1795: John Foster Land Purchase from Nicholas Jasper

Source:  Union County Courthouse

Recorded December 5th 1805
A memorandum of a bargain and agreement made between Nicholas Jasper of the State of Kentucky of the one part and John Foster of the State of South Carolina and Union County of the other part. That is to say the said Jasper hath bargained and sold unto the said Foster a certain tract or parcel of land in Union county on Pacolete river containing two hundred and ninety three acres by estimate. The same more or less begins as follows: at a pine knot corner belonging to John Jasper Senior, thence to Charles Hames Senior’s pine corner thence with said line to Nicholas Jaspers corner on the river, thence to a hickory corner, thence to a pine corner, thence to said Jasper Seniors corner at the river thence with said line to a poplar standing in the branch above said Jasper Senior’s house, thence to a post oak, thence to the said pine knot corner.  He, the said John Foster, covenants and agrees to pay five hundred dollars on the tenth day of March which shall be in the year one thousand eight hundred, and the said Nicholas Jasper covenants and agrees to make a good and sufficient right and title in fee simple of the above said when the above dollars is paid to him and said Jasper by him the aforesaid John Foster or his heirs.  We do hereby acknowledge this to be our bargain and agreement this twelfth day of November 1795.
John Foster
Nicholas Jasper
wit: George Foster, Nathaniel Dobbs

South Carolina Union District
Personally appeared George Foster before me, one of the justices for said district and made oaths that he saw John Foster and Nicholas Jasper sign the within memorandum and that himself and Nathaniel Dobbs in the presence of each other witnessed the due execution there of sworn and subscribed to before me on this 6th of Dec. 1805
William Johnson J.P.
George Foster
Recorded December 6th 1805