1829 John Foster deeds land to son Thomas

1829 John Foster gives 70 acres to his son Thomas

Source:  Union County Courthouse

State of South Carolina
Union District

Know all men by these presents I, John Foster , stiller, for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which I have to my son Thomas Foster of Union District, have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the said Thomas Foster, his executors, administrators and assigns, seventy acres of land adjoining Baxter Moseley’s lands and James Moseley’s also. To have and to hold the said lands to him, the said Thomas Foster, his executors administrators and assigns forever.  And I the said John Foster, stiller for myself my heirs, executors, and administrators the said land unto the said Thomas Foster , his executors, administrators and assigns against the claim of the said John Foster, his executors and every other person whomsoever shall claim and will warrant and forever defend the same whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal.
The above obligation of gift to be good at my death.
John Foster SEAL

Testified: Dawson Gault
Testified James P. Foster

State of South Carolina
Union District
Dawson Gault came personally before me and made oath that he saw John Foster sign and acknowledge the within deed to Thomas Foster for the use and purposes within mentioned that himself and James P. Foster witnessed the same.  Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day pf June 1829.

Dawson Gault.  Illegible signature.