1831 Last Will and Testament of John Foster

Source:  Union County Courthouse

In the name of God, amen.

I John Foster of Union District and the State of South Caroina being of sound and disposing mind and memory, but weak in body and calling to mind the uncertainty of life, and being desirous to dispose of all such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bless me with , do make and ordain this my last will and testament in the manner following, (that is to say,)
In primis, I give and bequeath to my wife all my personal property to be held during her life and after her death to be equally divided between all of my children exclusive of my sons Frederick, John, Jared and Thomas.
I desire that all the land which I now own (after deduction seventy acres which I have deeded to my son Thomas which includes my old house and ____ across the big road), to be disposed of in the following manner, (viz).  One third ___ ___ _____ to Jeremiah my grandson, the son of Frederick, one third to the children of my son John and one third to the children of my son Jared.  That part to Jeremiah to be laid out to him including the premises where on his father now lives.
I further more bequeath and desire that my wife Mary shall be supported out of the land above mentioned during her life.

In testimony where of I have here with ____ and seal this the 10th day of July 1831.
John Foster (SEAL)

____ sealed, published and ____ as and for the last will and testament of the above named John Foster in the presence of us:
J.S. Sims
James Mosely
Samual Hampton

Recorded by _______   signature.