1850 Jarrett Foster – Application for Bounty Land

Source:  National Archives, Washington D.C.

State of Missouri
County of Jasper
On this eleventh day of December one thousand eight hundred and fifty, personally appeared before me, a justice of the peace within the county and the State aforesaid, Jarret Foster, aged fifty-six years, a resident of Jasper County in the state of Missouri, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Jarret Foster who was a private in the company commanded by Captain John Elliott in the Mounted Tennessee Volunteers, commanded by Major William Lauderdale in the Florida War with the Seminole Indians.  That he volunteered at Calhoun in the county of McMinn, in the state of Tennessee on or about the twenty-fifth day of August AD one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven for a term of siz months and continued in actual service in said war from the time of his enrollment which was on the first day of September AD one thousand eight hundred and thirty seven for the term of siz months and was honorably discharged at Baton Rouge in the state of Louisiana on the tenth day of May AD one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight as will appear by his original certificate of Discharge herewith presented.
He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the bounty land to which he may be entitled under the act granting bounty land to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in military service of the United States passed September 28th 1850.

Jarrett Foster

Sworn to and subscribed before me this day and year above written.  And I hereby certify, that I believe the said Jarret Foster to be the identical man who served as aforesaid and that he is of the age above stated.
Washington Woodrum, Justice of the Peace