1855 Jarrett Foster – Application for Bounty Land

Source:  National Archives, Washington D.C.

Jarret Foster

Claim for Land Bounty
Act 3d March 1855

C.W. Bennett, Attourny

Source:  National Archives, Washington D.C.

State of Missouri
County of Jasper

On this seventeenth day of May AD 1855 before me appeared the redesigned, a Justice of the Peace duly authorized by law to administer oaths within and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared Jarret Foster aged fifty eight years, a resident of Jasper County and State of Missouri who having been duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Jaret Foster who was a private in the company of Tennessee Mounted Volunteers commanded by Captain John Elliott in the regiment commanded by Major William Lauderdale in the war with Seminole Indians.

That he was enrolled at Ross Landing the 1st day of November 1837; for the term of six months and continued in actual service in the said war for the term of fourteen days and was honorably discharged at Baton Rouge Louisiana on the 10th day of May AD 1838.

He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the additional bounty land to which he may be entitled on account of said service under the act approved 3rd of March 1855.  He also declared that he received a warrant for Bounty Land Reg. No ______ for eighty acres which he has under the act of 22nd March 1852 since legally disposed of and cannot now return.

He herby appoints C.W. Bennett of Washington City D.C. his true and lawful attorney with power of…

(remainder of the document was not copied.)

Source:  National Archives, Washington D.C.

January 22/57
Jarret Foster, Private
Captain John Elliott
Major William Lauderdale
____  ____

Volunteered August 25th 1837
Discharged May 10th 1838

___ ___ ____
Discharged within 80 acres _____

Warrant 78796 ___
October 30/57 and _____ to

Volume 59 Page 170
Ellwood B. James
Carthage Missouri