1874: Marriage License – Andrew J. Foster and Hannah Catherine Morgan

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State of Kansas
County of Montgomery

Office of the Probate Judge of the said County:

Be it rembered, that on the 10th day of April A.D. 1874, there was issued from the office of said Probate Judge, a Marriage License of which the following is a true copy:

Marriage License
Montgomery County, State of Kansas:
April 10, 1874

To any person authorized by law to perform the marriage ceremony. Greeting:

You are hereby authorized to join in marriage Andrew J. Foster of Coffeyville, aged 32 years and Hannah C. Morgan of _____, aged 20 years, and of this license you will make due return to my office within 30 yays.
E. Kerring Probate Judge.

And which said marriage license was afterwards, to wit, on the 22 day of April, A.D. 1874, returned to said Probate Judge, with the following certificate enclosed thereon, to wit:

I, J.M. Hedges do hereby certify that in accordance with the authorization of the within license, I did, on the 19th day of April A.D. 1874 at _____ _____ in the said county, join and unite in marriage the within named Andrew J. Foster and Hannah C. Morgan.
WITNESS my hand and seal the day and year above written.  J.M. Hedges, Minister of Gospel

ATTEST: E. Kerring Probate Judge