Adjutant General to Commissioner of Pensions re: A.J. Foster

Source:  Union County Courthouse

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War Department
Adjutanct General’s Office,
Washington Jan. 16, 1883

Respectfully returned to the Commissioner of Pensions. A.J. Foster, a Private of 2nd Battery Kansas Light Artillery Volunteers, was enrolled on the 19th day of August 1862, for service of 3 years, and is reported: On Roll from Sep. 10 to Oct. 31, 1862. On detached service with Right Section since Sep 14, 1862.  Dec. 31/62 to April 30/63 Present.  May and June ’63 in the Left Section.
Aug. 31/63 to June 30/65 Present.
Return for Nov. 62 Absent Enlisted men not accounted for by name.
Mustered out with the Company on August 11, 1865.
Also known as Andrew J. Foster
The records of this office furnished no evidence of alleged disabilities – Medical records of Battery not on file.