1917 Sworn Statement

Source:  National Archives, Washington D.C.

State of Washington
County of Pierce

Personally appeared before me this 5th day ofDecember A.D. 1917, Andrew J. Foster of Pierce County, Washington, who being first duly sworn deposes and says.
That he is the same Andrew J. Foster who is a Pensioner under certificate No. 979,198, and who enlisted on the 19th day of August, 1862 as a Private in Captain E.A. Smith’s Second Kansas Battery Light Artillery, and that he was born in McMinn County, Tennessee on the 15th day of February, 1842, and that there never was to his knowledge a church record of his birth, and the record in the family Bible has long since been destroyed or mislaid so that he is unable to procure it. That from 1850 to 1860 he lived near Carthage, Jasper County, Missouri, with his father Jarret Foster and his mother Dorcus Foster and his younger brother F.M. Foster, and that during the said years from 1850 to 1860 my elder brother D.G. Foster lived in Tennessee, and my brother John and sister Elizabeth lived near Carthage, Jasper County, Missouri, in homes of their own, both of them being married, and that he also had a sister Sarah living in a home of her own in Texas.

That he has been a member of the State Soldiers’ Home at Orting, Washington, from May 31, 1909 up to the present time, and that he is quite sure from what his mother, brothers and sisters have told him that he was seventy-five ears old on 15th day of last February.

Andrew J. Foster

SUBSCRIBED and sworn before me this 5th day of December, 1917.

William E Roach
Notary Public, Orting