Andrew J. Foster Letter to Son Cloyd: 1927 July 27

Source: D. Margaret Foster Collection

Post mark: Orting Washington
July 27, 1927  5PM

State Soldiers Home
Orting Washington
A.J. Foster

Mr. Cloyd Foster
Lunnford Alberta


Source: D. Margaret Foster Collection

State Soldiers Home Orting Washington
July 27, 1927

Hello there Cloyd, say, there was an account in the papers of a very severe hail and windstorm.  Said to been in Alberta.  In my paper I couldn’t make out just where it was.  Duke’s wife wrote they made out Alberta and a place was destroyed.  They could not make out fur sure but it seemed more like Pickardville.  Was some killed.  Duke is near sick fearing it might be Oscar and his mother.

Please answer at your earliest convenience and give me names of places around you.  We all feel bad…

Source: D. Margaret Foster Collection

… caused buy the report.

Say Cloyd, I have quit taking medicine from the Doctor and I am getting along fine.  I would not sawp my home for anybody’s home.

I will look for your letter soon.

With love to all and best wishes is Gods blessings,
Your father true
A.J. Foster