1999 Family Reunion Trip to Missouri and Honey Springs Reenactment

Having found cousins in South West Missouri via the internet, we planned a reunion.  And we timed it to coincide with a reenactment of the battle of Honey Springs.  I phoned down and when he found out we were descendant of a participant and coming all the way from Canada, Dr. Bill Lees offered us a tour of the actual battlefield which was under preservation construction at that time.  AND I got to participate in the reenactment itself.  Thank you Dr. Lees.

Dr. Lees guides us all around the actual historical Honey Springs Battlefield then under construction, especially the positions of 2nd Kansas Battery.

Reenactment at Honey Springs.  July 17 1999.  137 years to the very day of the actual battle.

Family Reunion – so many pictures are missing.  Hope to find them eventually.

Side trip to Fort Scott Kansas