Andrew J. Foster Pension Applications: 1898 Deposition of Francis M. Foster

Source:  National Archives, Washington D.C.


Case of Andrew J. Foster No. 401,795
On this 13 day of January 1898 at Carthage, county of Jasper, State of Missouri, before me ___________ ,a special examiner of the Bureau of Pensions, personally appeared Francis M. Foster who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogations propounded to him during this special examination of aforesaid claim for pension, deposes and says: That his age is 52 years;, post office address #116 John Street Carthage Missouri; occupation, Painter.

I am a younger brother of Andrew J. Foster.  I was living at home at the time he enlisted in the 2nd Kansas Battery Light Artillery.  We lived in Bourbon County Kansas ____ Marmaton City.  He enlisted just after we moved to Kansas and we went there in May 1862.  The following winter my brother came home on sick leave and remained as well as I can recollect 30 days.  Dr. Elder of near Marmaton City ______ him.  he doctor is dead.
I can’t recall what was the matter with my brother.  I was not at home all the time he was _____ sick.
I was working out probably at Browns Mill.  My mother and father nursed him.  He was sick in bed part of the time and part of the time was up.   I have heard him say that he was ruptured but I never saw his injured parts and have no personal knowledge of the case.

No sir, he had no rupture prior to his enlistment.  I have been swimming with him and saw him naked frequently and if he had been ruptured I should have known it.

No sir he never had been injured about his privaes and was so far as I know perfectly healthy when he enlisted.  He and I lived at home after the war for some time and then later lived in adjoining _______.  We lived with our father until 1869 and then he and father…

Source:  National Archives, Washington D.C.

went to Kansas leaving me here and I followed them there in 1873.  We lived on adjoining farms for over a year.  Then he lived on a nearby place another year and then he went to Washingston state and I have never seen him since.  When in Missouri I heard him complain of being ruptured and that it hurt him occasionally.  But when we were living in Kansas he complained of it considerably.  No sir, he never showed me the place.  He never would say much about it until after he married, after that he spoke ___ ____ of it.  He was married about 1872.  I never heard him say a great deal about it while we were living here but he told me how much it hurt and would some times complain of pains there.  I don’t recollect that I ever heard him say how he was hurt until after I went to Kansas in 1873.  He told me that the injury was caused by a bucking horse throwing him onto the horn of his saddle.  No sir, I never knew of his meeting with any accident which might have brought on such an injury after he came back from the army.  I never heard of his being hurt in those parts except that one time.  I have no pecuniary interest in this claim.  I have understood your questions and my answers have been correctly recorded.

Francis M. Foster

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10 day of January 1898 and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing.
_____________  Special Examiner.