1926 Andrew J. Foster Letter to Son Cloyd: April 12

Source: D. Margaret Foster Collection

Post mark: Yakima Washington
April 12, 1926  4:30 PM

2 cent stamp

Mr. Cloyd Foster
Lunnford Alberta

Source: D. Margaret Foster Collection

1818 Rosevelt Avenue
Yakima Washington

Well Cloyd, your letter of the 6th came to me this morning and I have had my dinner and it is now time to ____.

You say you had put off answering my letter ’till you were most ashamed to.  So I will say in a case like that I will say if you never do anything worse than that, that you have my forgiveness and I believe our Great Father will – yet with the little time that I have taken to recon on the time it does seem a little long.  But I’ll just add , but I have not forgotten you… you… for when your picture was not in my trunk, it was ever the same as…

Source: D. Margaret Foster Collection

… now in a place where I can see it any time.  Probably you have heard that I bought Duke a place, 13 18 Rosevelt Avenue, Yakima.  I paid $900 for it, cash and taken a mortgage of $600 which would give him $300 and three years to pay for it in.

But I was to have a permanent home then I put up money to build the sewer, about $80 and I still have hopes of getting it some day – though it may be like others – forgiven.

I do hope you will get the road.

As to my coming out, I don’t promise.  I would like to see you all very much but whether it would be the thing to do I don’t know.  But Cloyd, I…

Source: D. Margaret Foster Collection

… I want you and Oscar to look to the interest of your mother.  She is worthy although things is as they are between her and I.  She is worthy.

Have had a light winter here.  Everybody has bad colds, a kind of Epi_______.

The grocery men and mechanics are all in a combine, makes things high and it is bad for those that is close run.

I am in about as good health as I might expect.  Duke, he is working.  His wife, she is well.

All for now.

With love to all.

A.J. Foster