Andrew J. Foster Pension Applications: 1897 Deposition of George W. Akens

Source:  National Archives, Washington D.C.

Case of Andrew J. Foster No. 601.765
On this 15th day of January 1898, at Joplin County of Jasper, State of Missouri, before me, H.B. Swearingue, a Special Examiner of the Pension Office, personally appeared George W. Akens, who, being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogations propounded to him during this Special Examination of aforesaid pension claim, deposes and says: That his age is 56 years; post office address, ___ John Street, Joplin Missouri, occupation, farming.

I was a lieutenant in the 2nd Kansas Battery Light Artillery.  I enlisted at Fort Scott Kansas August 1862 and was mustered out in August 1865.  I became acquainted with Andrew J. Foster who was in the same service after I enlisted and have never seen him since we were mustered out of the service.  We were all examined at muster ___ I was stripped and suppose all the rest were.  Foster seemed to be a perfectly sound man at enlistment.
Q. Do you recollect that he ever received any disability while in service?
A. Yes sir, I recollect he was hurt by a horse once.  I think it was just east of Cinncinati Arkansas on our first trip in 1862 if I am not mistaken.  The way it occurred as I can recollect it is about as follows.
We were just starting out to drill.  The men and horses were all pretty green and there was one new horse that the boys were afraid of and none liked to ride him.  Since we said that there wasn’t a man in the company who could ride him and Foster mounted him.  He began to buck and jump and bounced Foster around considerably but did…

Source:  National Archives, Washington D.C.


succeed in getting him off.  Fianly some one caught the horse s head and held him and others helped Foster off and he went into the tent evidently hurt.  I noticed that his mouth was bleeding and I asked Lieutenant Clark what was the matter and he said the horse had “busted the ___ of Foster’s belly”.  They took him into the tent but I don’t know whether there was a doctor present or not.  I never saw the place where he was hurt.  We were on a march but were lining up things and went out to drill.  I don’t recollect seeing Foster again until we went back to Fort Scott and I can’t recollect whether he rejoined us before we got to Fort Scott or not.  The next spring my section was detached from the rest of the battery and I don’t recollect seeing him until we were together to be mustered out.  I can’t recollect that I had any conversation with him and can’t say whether his injury was _________ or not.  Yes sir, it was necessary that some one should ride the hose as he was a saddle horse.  I cant recollect seeing Foster after he went into that tent.I don’t recollect seeing him on duty on all that march and can’t say whether he was with us or not.  After hearing his statement I will say that I may be mistaken as to the time we were coming back to Fort Scott.  We may have gone by Fort Gibson and I was thinking we came back that way.  If we came back that way we were a good deal longer on the road.  I recollect his going away after we got back to Fort Scott.  I did not know whether it was to hospital or home.  I am not related to him nor interested in his claim.  I am correctly recorded in the above statement.
Greorge W. Akens, Deponent

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 15th day of January, 1898 and I certify that the contents were fully made known to the deponent before signing.
Signature is cut off.