1912 Declaration For Pension

Source:  National Archives, Washington D.C.

ACT OF MAY 11, 1912


State of Washington, County of Pierce

On this 23rd day of May AD one thousand nine hundred and twelve, personally appeared before me, a notary public within and for the county and State aforesaid, Andrew J.  Foster who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 70 years of age, and a resident of SOLDIERS HOME, ORTING, county of Pierce, Sater f Washington; and that he is the identical person who was enrolled at Fort Scott Kansas under the name of Andrew J. Foster on the 19th day of August, 1862 as a Private in Smith’s Second Kansas Battery of Light Artillery in the service of the United States, in the civil war and was honourably discharged at Leavenworth Kansas on the 11th day of August 1865.

That he also served: No other enlistment

That he was not employed in the military or naval service of the United States otherwise than as stated above.  That his personal description at enlistment was as follows: Height 5′ 9″ complexion, fair, eyes, black, hair black, that his occupation was farmer, that he was born in McMinn County Tennessee in 1842.

That his several places of residence since leaving the service have been as follows:  Missouri 3 years, Kansas 20 years, Idaho 5 years, Oregon 2 years, Washington 20 years.

That he is a pensioner under certificate no 979198
That his post-office address is Soldiers Home, Orting, County of Pierce, State of Washington

Andrew J. Foster

Attested:  E.G. Haseltine, Thomas Harrington

Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23 day of May 1912 and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration were made fully known and explained to the applicant before swearing.
R.P Herbold Notary Public