Andrew J. Foster Pension Applications: 1925 Statement of Dr. Dodds

Source:  National Archives, Washington D.C.

State of Florida – County of Osceola.

On this sixteenth day of May A D 1925 personally appeared before me a Notary Public of and for the County and State aforesaid:-

Dr. William H. Dodds of St. Cloud, Osceola County, Florida, to me well known as a regular practising physician, practising under the laws of the State of Florida who being duly sworn according to law made oath:
He deposes and says that he was called August 25, 1922, to attend Mr. Andrew J. Foster – that Mr. Foster was confined to his bed requiring regular daily service of an attendant.  That Mr, Foster was suffering at the time with an attack of influenza and chronic bronchitis from which he has never fully recovered and he has required attendance of another person since the date.

William H. Dodds M.D.

Sworn to and subscribed before me this sixteenth day of May A D 1925 in the city of St. Cloud Forida.

D M Porter
Notary Public, St. Cloud Florida
My commission expires April 10, 1928