Andrew J. Foster Pension Applications: Undated Fragment of Deposition of Andrew J. Foster

Source:  National Archives, Washington D.C.

Statement as it happened as near as I can remember of accident which caused me to make application for pension.

In the fall of 1862 about the first of November my company, the 2nd Kansas Battery was returning to Fort Scott from Prairie Grove.  There was a certain horse belonging to the Battery that Simon Washburn drove to cashon to off wheel that kicked so bad that it made it unsafe for the cannoneers to ride behind.  I proposed to the captain that I could ride him and put him under the saddle.  I put on him a double rein bridal, tied a knot in one rein _____ put it over the horn of the saddle so short that he could not get his head down to kick and mounted him.  He held the whole team for a while and when he did start he plunged quite wicked.  While he was plunging…